Bananya the Card Game

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The kitty who lives in a banana is now a game! Based on a popular anime, Bananya is a fun and competitive card game that features adorably illustrated Bananyas of different types. Players take turns drawing cards, playing cards to resolve their effects, and forcing opponents to discard into the litter box. The first player to collect 10 Bananyas of a single type wins! For 2-4 players. Fans of Exploding Kittens and Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza will enjoy.

Recommended for ages 6+

Why We Love It

Games are a great way to bring families together! Social games encourage communication and bonding, logic and strategy games teach planning and reasoning skills, games of luck introduce the element of surprise and remind everyone how to win and lose graciously - and all games offer practice at following rules, taking turns, and working together.