Make Way for Ducklings (Hardcover)

SKU: 0670451495
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Mrs. Mallard was sure that the pond in the Boston Public Gardens would be a perfect place for her and her eight ducklings to live. The problem was how to get them there through the busy streets of Boston. But with a little help from the Boston police, Mrs. Mallard and Jack, Kack, Lack, Nack, Ouack, Pack, and Quack arive safely at their new home. This brilliantly illustrated, amusingly observed tale of mallards on the move has won the hearts of generations of readers.

Recommended for ages 3+

Why We Love It

It's never too early to start the tradition of reading to a child! Storytime creates lifelong memories as well as providing youngsters with a wider vocabulary and more confident communication skills. Whether board books for infants, picture books for toddlers and young children, or early readers and chapter books for more confident readers, putting a book into a child's hands expands the boundaries of their imaginative possibilities.