Tsuro: Phoenix Rising
In this game, a new chapter in the classic Tsuro series, each player is a magical mythical phoenix. On your turn, flip or add tiles to extend your phoenix’s path - be the first to convert seven lanterns into stars and complete your constellation, and you win. Tiles and pieces are beautifully detailed, and special life tokens allow you to be reborn from the ashes once per game. Play with as few as two people, but even more fun with five or more. Fans of Forbidden Island and Ticket to Ride will enjoy. For 2-8 players.
Recommended for ages 8+
Recommended for ages 8+
Why We Love It
Games are a great way to bring families together! Social games encourage communication and bonding, logic and strategy games teach planning and reasoning skills, games of luck introduce the element of surprise and remind everyone how to win and lose graciously - and all games offer practice at following rules, taking turns, and working together.